Battlefield Surgery, Japan, Bouganville Campaign, World War II
Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH), 2010-11 Edition
Military duty is a noble calling. So is medicine. Some courageous souls are called to do both – work as medical personnel in a military environment. Each branch of the military has specialized needs, in combat as well as in medicine. The potential military medic can turn to the branch of preference or review the Occupational Outlook Handbook for general guidance.
Military medics are ranked just like all other military personnel, either enlisted or officers. As of December 2009, about 82% of the United States’ military personnel from all branches combined are enlisted servicemen and women. The remaining 18% are officers.
Medical jobs in the military are quite like medical jobs in civilian life – people who are sick and wounded come to you for treatment. The military medic will almost always be part of a team of specially trained medical professionals working with young adults, both male and female, whereas the civilian medic may also work with children and the elderly.
Military hospitals house state-of-the-art equipment and some of the best medical care in the world but medical jobs in the military often take the medic far away from the comforts and conveniences of a true hospital facility. Sometimes, the hospital is a makeshift tent surrounded by battle in a pouring rain.
Medical jobs in the military are as diverse as those in the civilian medical arena. The US military employs pharmacists, therapists, nurses, dentists, surgeons, dietitians, optometrists, psychologists, orderlies, cooks, and all other positions that would be found at a comparable medical facility for the general public.
The US Bureau of Labor Statistics updates the Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH); it contains data on every career path an American might choose, including educational needs, pay ranges, working environment, and future outlook.
For all jobs in the US military, as of the OOH 2011 edition,
- Employment opportunities in all branches are forecast as excellent.
- Requires a high school diploma or its equivalent of all enlisted personnel
- Requires a bachelor’s degree or higher for officer candidacy.
- Military personnel can retire will full benefits after just 20 years.
- Housing, medical, and educational benefits are available to all military personnel.